Are You Willing to Change?

I love how change occurs in my life. So slightly, so incrementally – at least most of the time – that I don’t even realize it and yet part of me always expects change to happen overnight.

“This scale can’t possibly be right. The diet’s going on three days now and I still haven’t lost 10 pounds.”

And how often do we find ourselves in the “don’t confuse me with the facts, my mind is made up” mode? If I had only realized years ago that everything changes me or at least it should.

That’s one of the interesting things about looking at old photographs. They are total reminders that change does, in fact, occur. It’s sort of miraculous how things change so slightly every day, then BAM! you look at a 10-year-old photograph and say “WOW! How and when did that happen? Where did all that hair go?”

Here’s a photo of a tree on our property the year we moved in. It was taken from the front porch of our office, which sits next to our house. Keep in mind, this is a live oak and they are considered to be slow-growing trees.

A bushy tree

Change – Change to a Happier You!

I think we often deny ourselves the benefits of recognizing the changes that occur in us on a daily basis. When you start recognizing daily that you are not the same person you were yesterday, you’ll feel you have more control over the changes in your life. At least, it works for me. I’ve realized I only have to make small, tiny changes, a little at a time, and that’s totally doable. It is the cumulative effect of these daily changes that can lead to huge improvements in your life.

It’s a Work-in-Progress

Often times, I would have in my mind a vision of the finished product and not the “work in progress” image. That finished product could be so far down the road – a road that could be bumpy and winding – that I’d become discouraged and I’d stop trying. Then I would remember, as I was growing up, my dad saying “lasting change is evolutionary and not revolutionary.”

When you start embracing the change that is naturally occurring in your life on a daily basis, you can then begin to manage it, lest I say actually control it – well at least in part. There will always be things in our lives beyond our control.

I can’t emphasize enough how happier and more fulfilling my life became once I realized that I can have more control over the change in my life, and to let go the things I cannot control.

Three key things to remember:

  • Spend some time with yourself and know how you want to change (Direct your change)
  • Be cognizant of opportunities in your daily living where you can do a something small that will move you to that change; if you miss it recognize that, too. This applies to diet, exercise, financial security, a new career … all of the above!
  • Always keep in your conscious mind that change happens every second of our lives and this change is inevitable; change the way you want to and not how others influence you.

Game Exercise/Life Changer:

Look back at some old photographs, take one or several with you today so you can look at them throughout the day. Make a mental note of the change that has occurred. Then give yourself one little thing to change for only today. *An exercise guaranteed to help you live a happier life!!

Embracing and directing the changes in your life will help you live the Happiness Lifestyle!

While I’m on the subject of change, Rachel and I are excited to announce our new blog!

In the coming weeks, we will be moving this blog from to

As our focus has always been to share insights on happiness we find inspiring, motivating and empowering, we thought it would be great to create a new website devoted entirely to happiness. We also have a podcast in development … and are working on some new videos to share. Plus, we’ll be offering more ways for you to find your own path and not follow the herd. Exciting times. We’ll keep you posted.

Help us spread the word!

And now this:


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