Tag: believe

Is there really such a thing as Easy Street?

I always imagined that Easy Street was this place… where faucets never dripped, lawns never got weeds, the houses never required painting, all the neighbors got along and frequently had BBQ’s, and pets never defecated. Well, it just so happens that one time I did actually find myself on Easy Street. It was a hot and steamy July day in a small town in South Carolina. This was many, many years ago (15?20?) and I was inventorying trees* on the city’s rights of way. As a consulting Arborist/Forester,...

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I think it is so sad. And here’s why.

If given the chance, would you rather be given a million dollars or would you rather earn a million dollars? Several months ago, I was listening to a local radio station and the two DJ’s were discussing a survey that asked people that question. The overwhelming majority of people said that they would rather be given a million dollars than earn a million dollars. I think that is a sad state of mind. Every day, for most of us, our self-esteem or feeling of self-worth is under assault. We think...

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