Tag: Smile

Share a Smile Today. Have We Become an ‘Unfriendly’ Society?

Share A Smile Today! Has Society Become Less Friendly? And have you ever witnessed the Power of a Smile and a Friendly Gesture? Today, people spend so much time connected to their electronic devices that they rarely see the world around them. Not only do we have laws forbidding people to use their phones while driving, in many metropolitan areas there are signs on the sidewalks telling pedestrians to put their phones away and pay attention. Has this led to a society that walks through life with...

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Smile. Go ahead, pass it on.

You’ll be better off I am not always a fan of the insta-message posted on church signs, but I am a huge fan of smiling. Forcing yourself to smile can change your mood. Change it for the better that is. Now I’m not saying that it is always easy, but it is doable. There have been times when I’m having one of “those days” that I literally have to go in front of the mirror, and using my fingers, force a smile. I will stay in that position until I can walk out of the bathroom maintaining...

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