Ground Hog Day

Ground Hog Day – Said to be my favorite holiday, I understand that technically it’s not actually a holiday of the year. Why?

First, it is a day of anticipation, the cold and bitterness of winter has set in and for many there is no relief in sight. People looking for any sign that will say the end of winter is near.

Second, it is a fun and somewhat silly concept like Don’t Be A Cow. Think about the modern day lifestyle with tiny cell phones and computers and all the so-called intelligence of the modern day society, yet so many still put hope in a ground hog!

Third, and final, the movie, one that I think Hollywood should remake. Think of waking everyday and applying the mistakes of the day before in a direct effort to get what it is you want that day. What a concept!

Allow the anticipation of your expectations and the mistakes of yesterday help you make today extraordinary! What are you anticipating today?


Comments (2)

  • Greta, our Groundhog in Asheville, NC, didn’t see her shadow. So, even though we have yet to really experience winter this year – it’s going to be cold this weekend, but back into the 50s soon – I love the anticipation of spring.

  • The concept related in the movie “Groundhog Day” is interesting – waking everyday and applying the mistakes of the day before in a direct effort to get what it is you want that day. What a way to change the present and the future.

    My experience of the day this year came during my job, namely, resident programs coordinator (activity facilitator) for residents on an Alzheimer’s wing at an assisted living facility.

    In an effort to find good news of the day, I showed a youtube video of Puxsutawney Phil. The excited crowd dressed warmly, and the press clicking cameras as the large, furry creature was raised in the air.

    Folks with Alzheimer’s disease live in the present – and the present changes every five minutes or so, as short term memory is fleeting.

    Several residents at the facility cocked their heads. No verbal comments were made as I explained what and why I was showing this to them. What was going on inside their brains? Did anyone remember this ritual, or was this seemingly the first time they had witnessed such an event? I may never know. Hopefully, it stimulated some happy memories for them.

    Imagine if you had to live moment to moment, not remembering if you had eaten breakfast fifteen minutes earlier – looking in a mirror and not knowing your name. Or, meeting people for the first time, even though you live with they daily. Quite a concept. And, many times a fearful one.

    I guess the lesson is to make every moment a good one, if at all possible.

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