Are You Willing to Change?

I love how change occurs in my life. So slightly, so incrementally – at least most of the time – that I don’t even realize it and yet part of me always expects change to happen overnight. “This scale can’t possibly be right. The diet’s going on three days now and I still haven’t lost 10 pounds.” And how often do we find ourselves in the “don’t confuse me with the facts, my mind is made up” mode? If I had only realized years ago that everything changes me or at least it should. That’s...

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‘That’s me’ – simple, kind act viewed by thousands

‘That’s me’: Metro sanitation worker shocked to see his simple, kind act viewed by thousands We talk about “Small acts of kindness” often in Don’t Be a Cow! Just last week we shared the story of the Ice Bucket Challenge. And in Day 18 of our book we devote a chapter to it. “I believe smiles are contagious” In addition to small acts of kindness, Billy also mentions how much he loves to smile and says, he feels, smiles are contagious. And how easy it is to bring happiness...

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Small Acts of Kindness go a long way

In “Day 18” of Don’t Be a Cow! we talk about simple, small acts of kindness. Often we think of being kind or generous as something HUGE. Think Philanthropy or Anonymous donations that fund a museum. But, small acts of kindness can go a long way. Maybe it’s just making a co-worker a cup of tea or remembering a relative’s birthday – even when it’s just an online card. 🙂 Remember the Ice Water challenge? This article will give you an idea of the difference...

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Being Happier will help you live longer

We know you’ll enjoy this article that CNN has recently updated. Aside from the info about the happiest countries, there is some good advice, particularly a theory developed by psychologist Martin Seligman. He believes it will enable well-being, which some experts argue is even a better goal than happiness. We feel that well-being IS a definite component of happiness. 🙂 You’ll find many of the topics and ideas we express with Don’t Be a Cow! appear in his theory. Seligman has...

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What Does This Picture Say to You?

Well, I sent this photo to some friends and here are a few of the responses: Happy Sun Good Morning Happiness Growth Summer Sunshine Dove Field (ranks among the best) Sunflower (needed to add, I’m a plant I can’t speak any words you idiot!), and Purdy. It’s simply amazing when you think of all the images that our eyes and mind process every day. Many of these images actually speak to us and some don’t. Think of all the words one image can communicate where not a word is spoken. Where...

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PASSION: Is Yours Hiding? Live Happier. Live Well.

Passion: Is Yours Hiding? I don’t know about y’all, but I think the word passion is under used and misunderstood today. Which I think is unfortunate.  First, what passion is (according to me): Passion is an internal feeling about something, someone (LOVE!), or someplace. Passion comes from the heart, or for those of you that believe the heart is simply an organ that pumps blood, passion comes from our soul.  A human being consists of three parts: the mind, the body and the soul (or...

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Independence Day 2019- Reminders for a Happier Life

HAPPY 4TH OF JULY EVERYBODY!!! Rachel and I hope that everyone has a Happy and Safe 4th. A Quick thought: As we celebrate this Independence Day, we hope you will also take a few moments to celebrate your independence from the herd. You know what I mean: Those societal pressures that hold you back from being the person you are meant to be. Fret not, it happens to all of us from time to time. We just don’t want to make it a lifelong endeavor. Keeping ourselves separated from the herd, is a daily...

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Don’t Stop Now; You Are, Oh, So Close!

I have always found it amazing, all the fine lines life that has to offer. What do I mean by fine lines? Well, let me explain. But, before I do let me say that to truly appreciate this blog you need to keep an open mind, and do not take things too literal. The fine line between two points. So, what do I mean by fine lines? I’ll give you some examples. Rachel will always tell me that there is a fine line between a forester and a pyromaniac. There is a fine line between a criminal and a person of...

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