
As what seems like the entire country mobilizes to catch a glimpse of such an event as the solar eclipse, I find that I just can’t let such an opportunity go to waste. When we are plodding along through life, following the herd, our paths become blocked just as the suns path is being blocked by the moon. The big difference is that this solar eclipse last only a short time. When our paths get blocked it can last many years denying you the life that you were meant to lead. Don’t be a...

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Running Through Life – Where is Your Head?

As the aging clock continues to tick away, the body really starts to feel all of our mistakes from the past. Worn out knees that don’t like to bend much anymore, to ears that were exposed to too much rock and roll and shotgun blast. Whatever the past culprits are in your life, I’m sure you will agree it s _ _ _ s! For you younger readers, just you wait! One of culprits from my past is posture, or should I say lack of good posture. A life time of walking, running, standing and sitting...

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An Interesting Phenomenon

Have you ever noticed how the scenery is different as you travel in opposite directions on the same road? This is particularly true when traveling uphill in one direction and then traveling downhill in the opposite direction. I experienced this phenomenon several weeks ago.There is a road where I normally only travel in the same direction – northwest. On this particular day, for various reasons, I decided to travel this road going in the opposite direction, which is southeast, and I was...

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Do You Want To?

Want To: Do You Want To? This one seems so obvious. Of course, you want to, especially when we put in terms of do you want to be happy? It always amazes me, after a close hard-fought sporting event, one of the commentators will state, “well it came down to which team wanted it more. I never felt that I ever competed in any event, sporting or otherwise, where I thought my opponent had a greater will (more want to) to win than I did. I say this because I doubt when asked that many people would answer...

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4th of July – What a Difference It Would Make!

An Independence Day message using a slight tweak to the phrase spoken by our 35th President, John F. Kennedy in his inaugural address. Just think what a difference it would make if everyone’s first thought every morning or afternoon (if you’re not a morning person) was, “Ask not what others can do for me, but what I can do for others” today. Sounds simple enough, but remember, to do so you must first be good with you. For this Fourth of July celebration, I will utilize some phrases from...

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Practice Living A Happier Life

Practice, practice, practice … practice makes perfect, phrases in which we are all familiar. In his book, Success Is A Choice, published back in the mid to late 1990’s, Rick Pitino, University of Louisville basketball coach, states that practice doesn’t make perfect, but “perfect practice makes perfect.” Of course from one point of view, this makes sense: Think of shooting a basketball with a major flaw in your technique. Hours and hours of practice only reinforces...

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When was the last time you had a good laugh? I had a rough day the other day; I’m sure you probably know the kind of day I am referring to. So, I thought, well since I co-authored a book on happiness and all, I need to snap out of this. Then I remembered Day 3: Laugh! I went to my joke folder and started flipping through the pages … and on about the third page, I hit the jackpot. What a good laugh I had … hadn’t heard that one in three forevers. Boy, was I feeling better. Several hours later,...

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Commencement 2017 – 3 simple things

What a wonderful time of year. The grass is green, the sun is shining and the days are getting longer! And, oh yeah, how could I forget graduations are in full swing. Good ole graduation, the ceremony of two tales: ● The Graduate – Give me my diploma and let me get out of this place. ● The Parent – The memories, the future, so much of life left to taste. Unfortunately, it seems that most commencement speeches are geared more to the parent than the graduate. Long speeches about what...

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The Rock and the Odds

A friend, one of the first people to read Don’t Be A Cow!, was recently taking a walk on RiverWalk in Columbus, GA. She looked down and something caught her eye. It was a rock with something on it; taking a closer look, painted on the rock was … a cow! Imagine. What are the odds? Especially the odds of an early reader of Don’t Be A Cow! finding an otherwise unassuming rock with a cow painted on it? She couldn’t believe it either, so she snapped the photo and sent it to Jane and me. All three...

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Nature – in the Backyard

Nature’s way to speak to us all If only we stop, to absorb it’s awe! The vibrant red of a cardinal on a gray and gloomy winters day The soaring of an eagle in what appears to be an endless sky The sounds of water as it travels after a torrent rain It’s there for all to see, it’s there for all to hear, for you see, it is… Nature’s way to speak to us all, If only we stop, to absorb it’s awe!  The swaying of a tree, in a Summer’s warm sultry breeze The weaving...

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