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What Does This Picture Say to You?

Well, I sent this photo to some friends and here are a few of the responses: Happy Sun Good Morning Happiness Growth Summer Sunshine Dove Field (ranks among the best) Sunflower (needed to add, I’m a plant I can’t speak any words you idiot!), and Purdy. It’s simply amazing when you think of all the […]

Homonyms – Liken or Lichen. Say what?

What’s this have to do with living a happier life? Southern dialogue is well known for running words and phrases together as to shorten ‘em. It was long said that this was because us’ens here in the south are lazy. Well y’all, I’m just here to tell you that I don’t think it’s laziness. I […]

Smile. Go ahead, pass it on.

You’ll be better off I am not always a fan of the insta-message posted on church signs, but I am a huge fan of smiling. Forcing yourself to smile can change your mood. Change it for the better that is. Now I’m not saying that it is always easy, but it is doable. There have […]

I think this is Fascinating! You?

Isn’t that fascinating! I was recently having a conversation with someone, who was telling me about something that was really fascinating to them. I could tell they truly were fascinated because of the emphatic way in which they were describing the event. Of course, it was something that was unfolding on a newscast and pertained […]

Be Who You Are! The first step in living a life of happiness!

It sounds so simple, right? Be yourself. Be unique. The fact is, I imagine almost everyone struggles with it at times, if not often, within their life time. Why? Because the problem is that when we are truly ourselves, our uniqueness will shine through… however, when we see ourselves as being “different,” often we have the tendency to go negative and feel “like an odd ball,” or someone who isn’t liked.

Change – Change to a Happier You

I am always humored when I hear people say things to the effect, “I’m not going to change, I like being the way I am,” or “It’s not going to change me.” News Bulletin: Change occurs, you don’t have a choice in the matter. The only say you have in the matter is in which […]

Spontaneity vs. Planning

As the new year gets rolling to a full head of steam, I’m sure many resolutions have already fallen by the wayside. Of course, I know there are still plenty of you dedicated souls out there still holding true to your aspirations for 2018.